Sunday, November 8, 2009

Back in CPH

I have returned to Copenhagen to find better paying jobs as a scriptwriter - and right away TV2, the second largest TV station in DK, had a public tender for a prime-time mini-series for 12-year olds and their families. Episode length 25 minutes, episode budget 200.000 euro. I have turned in two concepts. "Murder of Four", roughly translated from Danish (where murder is 'morder' and mother is 'mor' - so the title has a wordplay in Danish, as well as a link to a very popular feature film series from the 60s called "Father of four") - this is a crime story where four kids have to prove their mothers innocence. The other concept is a fantasy thing - a kind of ET story, but with supernatural creatures.

"Murder of Four" already has a producer attached, the danish company Thura Film. The fantasy-concept is still looking for a producer.

In mid November TV2 will call in a selection of projects for a pitch session. Based on that, they'll choose 3-4 projects to begin development - each handed roughly 7000 euro to write a first episode and story-line for the following two episodes. Of those 3-4 projects they will eventually choose one to be produced later in summer 2010.

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